Discussions element in Niche Addon plugin is to add information about the discussions. You can use this layout of the element based on your needs. From the below steps, you will see how to work with Discussions element.
Step O1: In the Elementor Sidebar, under Unique Event Elements section you can see Discussions Element. Simply drag and drop it to the highlighted area.
Step O2: After adding Countdown element in that content area you can simply fill the fields in the Content Tab.
The content tab consists of content area for the shortcode.
- Active Tab Number: Set active tab number.
- Discussion Category: Enter discussion category here.
- Discussions Date: Set Date here.
- Tab Title: Enter tab title here.
- Tab ID: Enter tab id here.
- Upload Image: Upload content image.
- Content Title: Enter content title here.
- Content: Enter content here.
- Tab Alignment: You can change the alignment of the content.
Step O3: In this step you'll see what are the options available in Style Tab.
The style tab consists of options for changing the style of the shortcode.
- Section: Here you can control the Border Radius, Padding, Background Color, Border, Box Shadow, Hover Background Color, Hover Border, Hover Box Shadow of the section.
- Tab: Here you can control the Tab Spacing, Tab Margin, Color, Border Color, Hover Color, Hover Border Color of the tab.
- Image: Here you can control the Padding, Border Radius, Border, Box Shadow of the image.
- Category: Here you can control the Padding, Typography, Color of the category.
- Date: Here you can control the Padding, Typography, Color of the date.
- Title: Here you can control the Padding, Typography, Color of the title.
- Content: Here you can control the Padding, Typography, Color of the content.
Step O4: In this step you'll see what are the options available in the About Me widget Advanced Tab.
The Advanced Tab consists of options for adding the advanced options for the shortcode.
- Advanced : It consist options like Margin, Padding, Z-index, CSS ID, CSS Classes for that whole section.
- Motion Effects : it having the animation options for about me section.
- Background : This option having Background Type and Hover Background Type option with Hover Transition Duration in it.
- Border : In this option you've options for Border, Box Shadow, Hover Border , Hover Box Shadow with Transition Duration
- Positioning : Her you control the Width of the section and change the Position of the section
- Responsive : In this option you can hide that section in Desktop, Tablet, Mobile based on your need.
- Attributes : It will help you to add custom Html Attributes but it will available once you installed the Elementor Pro version.
- Custom CSS : You can add your Custom CSS in this field. It will available once you installed the Elementor Pro version.
You can see types of styles in Discussions widget Here