You can easily install and activate our NicheBase Pro theme from the WordPress Theme Dashboard. Please follow the below steps to install the NicheBase Pro Theme.
Initially you need to activate your mail id in the the pop section once you activate the NichaBase theme. The pop up box will open like in the following screenshot. In this pop up please click Allow & Continue button.
After that please go to NicheBase options, in this you can see three tabs named as Account, Contact Us, Upgrade please click that Upgrade tab, here you’ll see pricing package based on Annually and the Lifetime like in the following screenshot.
In this package you can activate the NicheBase Pro Annually/ Lifetime for the Single Site / Unlimited Site please select the option based on your need and click the UPGRADE NOW option.
It will redirect you to the payment page like in the following screenshot please fill all the payment details and click the Review Order button in the bottom and click the Pay & Subscribe button.
Once the payment was successful. You’ll see a notification like in the following screenshot. Please click the Download the latest Pro version link to download the Pro version of the theme. Please visit the following link to know How to upload and activate the downloaded theme version.
You can read the following article second section How to install via WordPress upload
to know how to install and activate theme via WordPress Upload.